Have you ever taken a break from running for a couple of months or weeks, and then finally decide to get back into it and your body makes you regret that decision.
Maybe you finally built up the courage to start running, you’ve been telling yourself for some time that you are going to just do it, and you go for an even paced 2-mile run and the same thing, you feel like you have been hit by a freight train.
What’s Causing Your Knee Pain?
If you had to choose, you probably experience the most pain in your knees. Especially if you are running on a hard surface that does not have any give. Your knees take the brunt of your body weight continually pounding on that hard surface. Your knees are not used to that stimulus and need to build up the capacity to handle the stress you are placing on them.
And here’s the thing, we know taking time off, or resting, is not a runner’s or workout feen’s cup of tea. You want to be able to run as much as you want, whenever you want, on any surface, and without your knees killing you the next day.
Where Are You At With Your Knee Pain?
Here is a quick and easy assessment to help get to the root of your knee pain. Find an open space and complete the Single Leg Eccentric Step Hop Test.
Take a moment to reflect and honestly see where you are at? Was that tough? Was it fairly easy? Did this movement trigger any other aches and pains? Did this movement trigger the specific pain that you feel when you run?
What To Do About Your Knee Pain
The ultimate goal is to build up the capacity for your knee to handle the pounding you are putting it through. In order to prevent future flare ups, we need to build a solid foundation through various exercises. This foundation includes strengthening all of the surrounding muscles of the knee as well as the hip as that controls the “train track” of the entire leg. Think of it like this…the knee/knee cap is the train and that is controlled by the quadricep muscles. The entire leg is the train track and that is controlled by the gluteal and hip rotator muscles. If the train or the train track get dysfunctional, that’s when problems can arise.
HEELS ELEVATED BOX SQUAT: This exercise isolates the quadriceps in a challenging manner without over-cooking it thanks to the box. Practice control and even weight distribution and feel those quads burn to a new level of strength.
KB FRONT RACK SINGLE LEG ECCENTRIC: This exercise helps to build the strength in both the hip (gluteus medius) and the quadricep muscle and is the pre-requisite for single leg impact (running).
CLAMSHELL PROGRESSION: This is an oldie but goodie. Add a band around your knees and try the 4 positions until you develop buns of steel for running and for your fitness.
Still Having Knee Pain?
Unfortunately your knee pain will not go away overnight, this is something that takes time and consistency in completing these exercises.
With that being said, we do know that you still may be experiencing knee pain and that can be extremely frustrating. At this point, you just want answers…we get it.
Stop wondering what is going with your knee when you run, start getting answers.
We offer a complimentary discovery visit completely on us. This is an opportunity for you to finally get the answers that you are searching for by coming into Motus Rx Physical Therapy for a FREE 45 minutes session. We like to think of it as two friends meeting at a coffee shop and catching up. During our time together you get the chance to explain to us how your knee pain started, the intensity of it, how it continues to persist, and what you have tried for it. I will then run you through a series of assessments to evaluate the strength, mobility, and flexibility of your knee to determine a strategic plan to rid your knee pain for good
I will propose my solution, and if you like what I have to say, we pair up as a team to get you back to making the times you want, running as long as you want, and running without pain!
If you’d rather read a little more or your own before scheduling, be sure to check out:
Start running pain-free today!