5 Stretches To Help Shoulder Pain At Night

As the night falls and the world quiets down, does your shoulder pain seem to shout louder?

If you're tossing and turning, trying to find a pain-free position to sleep, know that you're not alone.

Shoulder pain at night can turn what should be a restful necessity into a prolonged ordeal, leaving you exhausted and frustrated come morning.

For those who've winced while changing positions or dreaded going to bed due to shoulder discomfort, this blog aims to provide relief and hope.

Does Shoulder Pain Get Worse at Night?

It's not your imagination; shoulder pain can indeed feel more intense at night.

When you lie down, the lack of movement can cause the shoulder muscles and joints to stiffen, increasing discomfort.

However, there's a silver lining.

With the right stretches and habits, you can ease this nocturnal pain and transform your nights from restless to restorative.

5 Stretches To Help Shoulder Pain At Night

Gentle Neck Rolls:

Start by relaxing your neck muscles, which are closely connected to shoulder health.

Sit or stand comfortably, slowly roll your head in a circular motion.

This can help release tension in the neck and upper shoulders.

Cross-Body Shoulder Stretch:

Reach one arm across your body, using the opposite hand to gently pull the arm closer to your chest.

This stretch targets the muscles in the back of your shoulder, offering relief and flexibility.

Pendulum Stretch:

Lean forward slightly, letting your affected arm hang down.

Gently swing the arm in a small circle about a foot in diameter.

This helps to reduce tension in the shoulder joint and improve mobility.

Doorway Stretch:

Stand in a doorway, placing your hands on the frame at shoulder height, and gently lean forward.

This opens up the front of the shoulder and chest, alleviating tightness.

Child’s Pose Stretch:

Kneel and sit back on your heels, then bend forward, extending your arms in front of you on the ground.

This full-body stretch is excellent for releasing tension throughout the shoulders and back.

Incorporate these stretches into your evening routine to help ease your shoulder pain at night.

Each stretch is designed with your comfort and recovery in mind, providing a gentle yet effective way to ease discomfort.

Remember, you don't have to endure night-time shoulder pain silently.

If you're looking for more personalized advice or advanced strategies to manage your shoulder pain, our team at Motus RX is here to assist.

Say goodbye to sleepless nights and hello to peaceful, pain-free rest.

FREE EXPERT E-BOOK - 7 Tips to Relieve Your Shoulder Pain

Are night-time shoulder aches disrupting your sleep?

Looking for ways to ease that discomfort and embrace restful nights? We have the perfect resource for you!

Explore our FREE Shoulder Pain E-Book.

Discover "7 Tips to Relieve Your Shoulder Pain," our expertly crafted e-book, offering you insights into alleviating shoulder pain naturally, without medication or surgery.

Gain the freedom for smoother movement, increased comfort, and nights free from pain - download our FREE SHOULDER PAIN E-BOOK now.

Seeking more personalized guidance? Keep reading...

Ready to Tackle Shoulder Pain That Keeps You Awake?

If shoulder pain is stealing your sleep or affecting your daily activities, know that there are solutions.

Whether it’s disrupting your peaceful nights or impacting your day, expert advice can make all the difference.

We’re delighted to provide a FREE Shoulder Pain Assessment from our expert team.

This is your opportunity to discuss your specific shoulder issues, get the answers you need, and learn the most effective strategies for a pain-free night's sleep, focusing on stretches and more.

If stepping into the clinic feels like a big step, don’t worry – we’re here and happy to chat.

Call us at 920.335.7227 for a friendly, supportive conversation.

Other Free Resources For "Can Posture Cause Shoulder Pain?"

Download Our Free Expert E-book - 7 Tips to Relieve Your Shoulder Pain

Read Our Blog - How To Avoid Shoulder Injuries On and Off The Golf Course

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Until next time,

Eric Wallace, PT