How To Run Without Hurting Knees? 3 Essential Exercises

Marathon season is upon us, and with it comes an increased enthusiasm to hit the pavement.

Running, a universally loved exercise, has been the go-to for many who are chasing that adrenaline rush, the wind on their face, and the thrill of crossing the finish line.

But there's a nagging worry at the back of many runners' minds: knee pain.

Ever felt that ache in your knee and immediately thought of how it might prevent you from playing with your kids the next day?

Or maybe you've visualized yourself finally completing that marathon, only to be held back by the looming shadow of a knee injury.

You're probably asking "How can I run without hurting knees?"

We understand your concerns.

However, the good news is that with the right approach and exercises, you can strengthen your knees and enjoy your runs without any sign of pain.

In this blog, you will dive into three essential exercises to prevent knee pain.

Ready, set, go...

Understanding Knee Pain

Before you explore which exercises will help relieve that knee pain, it's important to understand what causes it.

While knee pain can be a result of various factors, for runners, it's often linked to overuse, improper training techniques, or an underlying weakness or imbalance.

Common running-related knee issues include patellofemoral pain syndrome (often called "runner's knee"), iliotibial band syndrome, and patellar tendinitis.

these issues can arise from weak or imbalanced muscles in the legs, poor running technique, or even wearing the wrong type of running shoes.

Now you understand the causes, let us share the solution...

3 Essential Exercises To Run Without Hurting Knees

Bulgarian Split Squats

First is a versatile exercise, originating from the Olympic weightlifting world.

Bulgarian split squats have NOW found their rightful place in the routine of many athletes and runners.

While this exercise primarily focuses on your quadriceps, it also helps to strengthen your hamstrings, calves, and, glutes too.

Sounds good right?

When these muscles are strengthened, they provide stability to your knee joint.

Reducing not only the strain on your knee but significantly lowering your risk of injury.

No more self-pity Sundays on the couch!

Box Jumps

Second, is an exercise you've most likely heard of or even tried already.

Box jumps are more than just a show of explosive strength.

When done correctly, they train the knees to land softly.

Over time, this means reduced impact on your knee joints, keeping them safe for the many marathons you've set your heart on.

Training for one marathon? Next year try two!


Finally, this might seem simple, but the clamshell exercise is a powerhouse in strengthening your gips.

"Why does this matter for your knees", you ask?

A strong hip prevents the knee from diving inward during runs, a common cause of knee pain.

Through strengthening our hip muscles, Clamshells help to prevent misalignment issues and further injuries.

Incorporate these exercises into your daily routine, and you'll not only strengthen your knees but set the stage for an injury-free marathon experience.

Are You Ready To Run Without Hurting Knees?

Feeling that ache in your knee on those Saturday strolls? Or maybe you've sidelined yourself, concerned that the recurring knee pain might evolve into something more worrying?

Regardless of the intensity of your knee issues, it's essential to understand: that seeking professional guidance is always a good idea, be it early on or later.

Right now, we're offering a Free Runner Performance Assessment with a member of our expert team.

We understand you may have tried these exercises in the past, and we welcome your opportunity to raise any concerns during the assessment.

This is your chance to address any concerns, ask questions, and determine the best course of action to ensure you can run pain-free this marathon season.

Or give us a call at 920.335.7227. (Yes, we still appreciate a good old-fashioned phone chat!).

Rooting for your triumphant finish,

Eric Wallace, PT

Other Free Resources To Run Without Hurting Knees

Read Our Free Expert Report -  9 Ways To Bullet Proof Your Body For Any WOD 

Read Our Blog - 5 Tips To Help You Avoid Knee Pain This Marathon Season

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