Posts in Performance
Why Do I Always Have Running Injuries? 

If you want to prevent running injuries, you need to treat running like a skill. Often times we just run. The problem is that if we don’t have a good quality ownership of the required positions, loads, and reactions the body needs for something as repetitive as running, then we’re doomed from the get go to experience a running injury.

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Why You Should Be Strength Training in 2022

There are several common misconceptions surrounding strength training that have pushed people away from strength training. Strength training has been around for quite some time, but is finally starting to make its way to the forefront of many workout programs in 2022. Which, with unmatched benefits, it is hard to imagine why it was not at the forefront to begin with.

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Why Am I Not Seeing My Speed and Strength Training Transfer Into My Softball Game?

Speed and strength for softball players is a common aspect of our game that has the most potential to implement game-changing aspects of your performance. The demands of a softball game call for quickness, power, and explosive movements - but is your speed and strength program matching those demands? Often times speed, strength, and working out for softball is considered completing your high school’s generic after-school program, going for a run, or doing a high intensity interval workout you found online. While these are great for general fitness, it is not specific to softball and may be why you are not seeing the results you’d like.

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Top 3 Things Junior Athletes Can Learn From Giannis

I do want to focus on the man and I want to relate it to our junior athletes that we work with. We have not talked about our junior athletes enough, and I want to talk about them now. This blog post is going to be about the top 3 things I want our junior athletes to learn from Giannis. THE MAN! THE GREEK FREAK! In my opinion, the face of Wisconsin sports now...and it's not even close. He is unbelievable, and I’m not one for saying, “I know who these athletes personally.” I don’t know what is going on in these athlete’s lives. I don’t think they need to be role models necessarily. I think they worked very hard to get to where they are at and they can do what they want. We don’t need to have an opinion about everything, in my opinion.

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Have You Met Our Neighbors, 360U Softball?

We recognize 360U serves a similar population as Motus Rx by helping individuals become more confident in the activities they love to do. With that being said, we asked 360U a few questions about their main goals, values, philosophy, success stories, how the business started, and more.

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We're Not "PUTTER"ing Around About Golf Fitness

Those are the three major steps on how to physically improve for golf. So now we have a better understanding of what “golf fitness” really is all about if you are going about it correctly. It’s not blindly training on a treadmill, it's not blindly pounding balls at the range, it is identification: figuring out where you are at and where you want to go through the evaluation process that we have. Mobility, strength, power: physical adjustments and changes. When we are talking about our screening process, those are the three things that we are going to be looking at to physically improve. Re-integration: reintegration back into your sport. This includes practice with intent, finding someone that you like and trust, and continual objective measurement.

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The Difference Between Acupuncture & Dry Needling

One of the most commonly asked questions: What is the difference between acupuncture and dry needling in terms of pain relief? Acupuncture and dry needling in terms of pain relief are two approaches for reducing muscle tension release, facilitate muscle recovery and muscle rehabilitation, stimulate improved movement, encourage positive energy flow, kick start restoration of energy, and potentially increased desired range of motion.

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How To Improve Your Front Rack Position

The Front Rack position is essential for many movements in CrossFit and with weightlifting and yet many people under appreciate the importance of the shoulder complex for this position. If you’ve been having difficulty getting into this position or have shoulder pain with CrossFit or shoulder pain with overhead pressing and lifting, then this post may shed some light on why, and what you can start to do about it today.

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How to Properly Improve Foot Pain

If you’ve had plantar fasciitis, foot pain, or leg pain in general, and you’ve relied solely on orthotics, stretching, or other passive modalities for relief, but not necessarily gotten where you want to go…then this post might be just for you. This article addresses a case study where a sports physical therapist properly applies the right amount of stress and load to an active individual with plantar fasciitis so that she can compete in an IronMan.

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Squat Goals: ankles, hips, and UPPER BACK?

Many people appropriately have discussed and stressed ankle, hip, glute, and knee health for squatting, but the UPPER BACK is a key component to a healthy squat as well, especially if you're looking to load it up bigtime.  This blog post finalizes our 3 part series on reducing "pinchy" hips with squatting and optimizing your body for good, healthy squatting.  

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The Common Running Injury You Can Avoid Now

The dreaded hamstring strain...unfortunately most runners and athletes have had some form of this in their lifetime.  The good news is that it's preventable.  It just takes a little effort, consistency, and knowledge.  This post sheds light on the common running injury we've worked with and how to prevent it this season.  

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